Luca Darlington is a Manchester based computational artist.
His studio practice involves using python algorithms to grow computational-organic hybrid creations using code as a medium, in addition to using Qizkit algorithms to employ the unique properties of quantum computing in audio, allowing audiences to immerse themselves in multi-sensory experiences.
He invites viewers to insert themselves into what he labels "digiscapes" - computational landscapes and spaces, with visual interpretations of a computational primordial soup, with immersive digital environments and black mirrors, allowing audiences to imagine or watch how primitive computational organsims might grow and interact with one another.
He aims to spark conversations about emerging computational technologies such as quantum computing and artificial superintelligence. He explores where and how their potential development is nurtured, and aims to uncover their potentials for good and their potential negative impacts, using the possibilities for computational interaction capabilities as a springboard for broader discussions.
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